The disjunction property for operational relevance logics (Daniel West)

The Logic and Metaphysics Workshop will meet on September 30th from 4:15-6:15 in-person at the Graduate Center (Room 4419) for a talk by Daniel West (CUNY).

Title: The disjunction property for operational relevance logics

Abstract: A logic has the disjunction property just in case whenever a disjunction is valid, at least one of its disjuncts is valid. The disjunction property is important to constructivists and is a well-known feature of intuitionistic logic. In this talk I present joint work with Yale Weiss in which we use model-theoretic techniques to show that the disjunction property also holds in Urquhart’s operational relevance logics. This is a known result in the case of the positive semilattice logic, but the proof is quite different, being proof-theoretic rather than semantic. These results suggest that operational relevance logics merit further attention from a constructivist perspective. Along the way, we also provide a novel proof that the disjunction property holds in intuitionistic logic.

Note: This is joint work with Yale Weiss (CUNY).

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