Memory and Intuitionistic Logic (Vincent Alexis Peluce)

The Logic and Metaphysics Workshop will meet on November 25th from 4:15-6:15 in room 7314 of the CUNY Graduate Center for a talk by Vincent Alexis Peluce (CUNY).

Title: Memory and Intuitionistic Logic

Abstract: L.E.J. Brouwer writes, “people try by means of sounds and symbols to originate in other people copies of the mathematical constructions and reasonings which they have made themselves; by the same means they try to aid their own memory. In this way the mathematical language comes into being, and as its special case the language of logical reasoning” (1907). More is left to be said, however, about the relation between the Brouwerian subject and logical language. In this talk we discuss the usual account of this relation and some problems with that view. We then propose an alternative.

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